Friday, November 2, 2012

Lost Dog

Dear Fallbrook Neighborhood:

How can I get this urgent information out to our neighborhood?

For those of you who might remember, this last August there was a sweet little all-black male dog “dumped” off at the elementary playground.  Some of us left food and water for him as he was too skittish to be picked-up and taken home.  I strongly believe this lost dog is the same lost dog who needs a home (see below)! 

We have an ailing dog or we would take him in a heartbeat!  I am hoping that the other folks in our neighborhood who also left food and water for this guy, may be willing take him in or know someone who would be willing to make their home his forever home. 

Please read below and see if you can help Kathleen!

From: Maggie Ellis at Carroll
Sent: Thursday, November 01, 2012 8:00 AM
Cc: ''
Subject: Please help return/foster a lost doggie

Staff of Carroll, Toby Johnson and Franklin High,
While walking a neighborhood precinct on Monday, I met up with Kathleen Albiani who had found a lost dog.  I told her I would send the info to our schools hoping that one of the kids would be on the lookout for a dog.  The neighborhood where the dog was found is just east of our schools.  Please ask your students if anyone is missing a dog.  See the description below and pictures attached.  Kathleen has included her phone number below and her email is in the cc box.  If I didn’t already have 3 Great Danes, I would have adopted this cutie in a second!
Thanks for your help,
Here are the specs:

Small Male Dog
1 to 2 years old (so says the vet I took him to)
No collar or tag
No microchip
completely black
a little over 20 pounds
not neutered
skittish with men and strangers

He's super sweet, but low on the learning so I think he was someone's outside dog. Anyhow, if you find his home or a home that would be good for him, he is very lovable and learns quickly. I find him charming, but one dog is all I can manage. He's in a good space for now, but I would love to find him a great home. He's very good with the other dogs and follows my dog Sammy like a shadow. Sammy, it's quite clear, would love for me to find him a good home :)

Thanks again and good luck with all of your canvassing.

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